Hello kids!
What a great day! The 7th graders were introduced to the amazing cross curricular project today! I'm so excited about this. Tonight your homework is to finish choosing two of the assignments we began in class.
Choose TWO:
1. Create an 'Escher' painting using the post-it not tessellation technique. BE CREATIVE! Make the coolest baddest most awesome tessellation around! - white paper
2. SHOW me using graph paper a successful tesselleation of the letter H S and E. Hint: Block lettering! - each letter will fill half sheet of graph paper
3. Using the circle and Islamic art directions draw what they show you to draw!
4. Using a compass and straight edge try to create an 8 pointed star. Hint: Use circles and have the first circle's centerpoint on the origin of a perpendicular bisector.
See you tomorrow kids!
6ers - we finished our Sun Moon earth packets - which is portfolio eligible and a HUGE portion of your reasoning and communication grade! If you haven't turned it in yet you better find it and turn it in!! We also spent some time on freerice.com using our math skills to donate rice to those less fortunate. Do it at home to donate more rice!!!