Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wacky Wednesday!

Hello 7ers!

Today you practiced making MORE reflections. Remember the key to making reflections for a point out in space is to make TWO arcs from two different points on the reflection line. This way you can ASSURE you are making a point that is a complete reflection of your original point. If you need help click here for some tips and explanations of reflections. Remember! Tomorrow you are going to do a portfolio eligible assignment showing me that you know how to make a reflection over a line that is given to you.

For those of you that were absent (and there were lots of you) make sure you KNOW how to do this and if you can at home practice making a reflection of a triangle (like we did in class) and WRITING the steps out for HOW TO do this along with any justifications that PROVE your point on one side is REFLECTED EXACTLY on the other side. Until tomorrow 7ers! Ciao!

6ers! Today we learned how to multiply fractions. Your homework tonight will be the worksheet we did in class AND to finish ONE side of your BINGO

If you need more assistance with multiplying decimals then CLICK HERE!

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