Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More OIL!

First I want to give a shoutout to Cornelius for completing the Mean, Median Mode activity on the website!

My 7ers continued working on their oil spill projects and most of us are on the Graph Lookup and/final draft.   Tomorrow you should start the period finishing your counter argument, finding a graph and finalizing the aspects of your rough draft to make your dun.dun.dun. FINAL DRAFT!

6ers...yesterday we spent a lot of time on de-fogging out minds about mean, median, mode and range from line plots.  I was so impressed by your interest and your eagerness to learn! You demanded to know what outlier meant!  Today we also continued working on our projects.  When you get to class tomorrow make sure you have your argument and counter argument finished.


7th grade you MUST add interquartile range and box and whisker plot on a SEPARATE sheet of paper!

ps. if you read the blog tonight post your favorite ice cream.  I want to know how many of you read my blog, it will earn you a pickle!


  1. I do not really have a favorite ice cream, but i do enjoy mint chocolate chip, any of those with "tracks", and ginger lavender,

  2. HIIII sory im late!!!! :( BUT i want to post my fave ice cream so here goes!!! I am in love with chocolate sea salt, and Arnold Palmer, which is a mixture of sweet iced tea and lemonade! YUM!

    -Zoƫ :D
