Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Test day anxiety? Don't worry about it!

Hello my darlings -

Today was a great day for both 6ers and 7ers. 7ers took their second task on translations which is coupled with the task from yesterday to combine together to create a portfolio eligible assignment. We spent the last bit of the period finishing our episode of House, MD. Tomorrow you will do some CRCT review and if we get finished you will get a treat for working so hard.

6ers, today we spend the period discussing our magic triangle AND getting feedback from ALL of our weather project sheets. These revisions are due on MONDAY! No later

If you need assistance with severe weather information go to


Also, I just wanted to let you know that I have so much faith in you! You will all do so wonderfully on this test. I know as a large scale test approaches many of us feel anxious or overwhelmed. Remember that you are all very smart, talented and capable of using your reasoning skills to answer questions you may not recognize. It is true that we did not get to all of the standards this year, but we did lots of cool projects and I am positive that all of you know the material we covered in class very well!

With that being said, if you want some CRCT practice you can click on this link AND you should be going through old IXL standards to review standards we covered in the past.

7ers tonight I re-assigned IXl standards E3, E5 and E9. Get all of those standards up to 100 by Sunday! They are review of negative numbers!

Until tomorrow gang!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hi gang,

Whew! What a day of new and amazing information! 7ers, you did a fantastic job in the computer lab learning about translations. Remember what we talked about at the end of the class period today. Click below on the picture for a review of translations and reflections. Tomorrow you are going to have a 'What do you know" in class on reflections and MAYBE translations. Things to remember ARE what does the y=x line of symmetry look like, and the y=-x line of symmetry look like? What happens to a geometric shape when you translate it only on the x axis, on the y axis and both!>!??!?!!

Tomorrow you will have to show me your knowledge of both of these in order to obtain ANOTHER portfolio eligible assignment. Congratulations to ELLA who has the most in our class!! WOOHOOO.

Also a VERY BIG SHOUT OUT to Hunter who was featured on a blog by the owner of Bucketfeet (a very cool shoe company) for his designs on shoes. Click below to read more!


If you want more assistance with reflections and translations click here!


6ers! Today we spent more time discussing the relationship of the sun, earth and moon. Why do we phases of the moon and not the entire 'full moon' all of the time. you did a fantastic job with this. I'm not going to post any links because EACH day you find something else out!

Until tomorrow.!!!


7th grade: You must finish the worksheet on describing what happens to shapes when you translate them

6th grade: You have a decimal sheet to complete.



Thursday, April 14, 2011


OOPs! It seems like this link may work for the portfolio entry slip! Try this one!!

For my adivsory and anyone else that needs this!

Hi gang,

Tomorrow ALL of your reflections are due for your portfolio!

Here is a link to the portfolio entry slip - YOU MUST HAVE 6 DONE!

Visual Arts/Performing arts (6ers are still waiting on theirs)
1 choice piece - FFl, Spanish, Choice piece.

YOU GUYS ARE DOING AMAZINGLY WELL! I am so proud of all of you! GET IT DONE! So we can celebrate!

Ms. T

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday fun field trip!

Hello darlings! We had a great time on the field trip today! A few reminders and helpful hints:

6ers! if you need more assistance dividing decimals here is a WONDERFUL LINK if you cannot find your family!

Also remember that you have IXL standards due for the week!

If you finish those then do:

7ers! Remember your projects are due on Friday! I hope you are working on them! Until tomorrow my darlings!!

Ms. T

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday after spring break! Are you refreshed?!?!?

Hi my darlings! What a great day! In 6th grade we talked about the magic pyramid. remember if you have the part and the whole but need to find the percentage you MULTIPLY! If you have the whole of something like the RDI for Vitamin D and you want to figure out how much is in a serving of Special K and you know it is 15% of your RDI then you MULTIPLY! More on this tomorrow!!

7ers -- as we continue the body systems project I want to say that you are doing a GREAT job. If you need any other documents then you should check the post from the week before spring break for the post! EVERYTHING FOR THE BODY SYSTEMS PROJECT IS DUE FRIDAY APRIL 15th! NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS! GET IT DONE!

Ok gang, get ready for the field trip tomorrow! Until then Adios!

Ms. t