Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Test day anxiety? Don't worry about it!

Hello my darlings -

Today was a great day for both 6ers and 7ers. 7ers took their second task on translations which is coupled with the task from yesterday to combine together to create a portfolio eligible assignment. We spent the last bit of the period finishing our episode of House, MD. Tomorrow you will do some CRCT review and if we get finished you will get a treat for working so hard.

6ers, today we spend the period discussing our magic triangle AND getting feedback from ALL of our weather project sheets. These revisions are due on MONDAY! No later

If you need assistance with severe weather information go to


Also, I just wanted to let you know that I have so much faith in you! You will all do so wonderfully on this test. I know as a large scale test approaches many of us feel anxious or overwhelmed. Remember that you are all very smart, talented and capable of using your reasoning skills to answer questions you may not recognize. It is true that we did not get to all of the standards this year, but we did lots of cool projects and I am positive that all of you know the material we covered in class very well!

With that being said, if you want some CRCT practice you can click on this link AND you should be going through old IXL standards to review standards we covered in the past.

7ers tonight I re-assigned IXl standards E3, E5 and E9. Get all of those standards up to 100 by Sunday! They are review of negative numbers!

Until tomorrow gang!

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