Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Geometric design and Islamic art project!

Hello kids!

What a great day! The 7th graders were introduced to the amazing cross curricular project today! I'm so excited about this. Tonight your homework is to finish choosing two of the assignments we began in class.

Choose TWO:

1. Create an 'Escher' painting using the post-it not tessellation technique. BE CREATIVE! Make the coolest baddest most awesome tessellation around! - white paper
2. SHOW me using graph paper a successful tesselleation of the letter H S and E. Hint: Block lettering! - each letter will fill half sheet of graph paper
3. Using the circle and Islamic art directions draw what they show you to draw!
4. Using a compass and straight edge try to create an 8 pointed star. Hint: Use circles and have the first circle's centerpoint on the origin of a perpendicular bisector.

See you tomorrow kids!

6ers - we finished our Sun Moon earth packets - which is portfolio eligible and a HUGE portion of your reasoning and communication grade! If you haven't turned it in yet you better find it and turn it in!! We also spent some time on using our math skills to donate rice to those less fortunate. Do it at home to donate more rice!!!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Test day anxiety? Don't worry about it!

Hello my darlings -

Today was a great day for both 6ers and 7ers. 7ers took their second task on translations which is coupled with the task from yesterday to combine together to create a portfolio eligible assignment. We spent the last bit of the period finishing our episode of House, MD. Tomorrow you will do some CRCT review and if we get finished you will get a treat for working so hard.

6ers, today we spend the period discussing our magic triangle AND getting feedback from ALL of our weather project sheets. These revisions are due on MONDAY! No later

If you need assistance with severe weather information go to


Also, I just wanted to let you know that I have so much faith in you! You will all do so wonderfully on this test. I know as a large scale test approaches many of us feel anxious or overwhelmed. Remember that you are all very smart, talented and capable of using your reasoning skills to answer questions you may not recognize. It is true that we did not get to all of the standards this year, but we did lots of cool projects and I am positive that all of you know the material we covered in class very well!

With that being said, if you want some CRCT practice you can click on this link AND you should be going through old IXL standards to review standards we covered in the past.

7ers tonight I re-assigned IXl standards E3, E5 and E9. Get all of those standards up to 100 by Sunday! They are review of negative numbers!

Until tomorrow gang!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hi gang,

Whew! What a day of new and amazing information! 7ers, you did a fantastic job in the computer lab learning about translations. Remember what we talked about at the end of the class period today. Click below on the picture for a review of translations and reflections. Tomorrow you are going to have a 'What do you know" in class on reflections and MAYBE translations. Things to remember ARE what does the y=x line of symmetry look like, and the y=-x line of symmetry look like? What happens to a geometric shape when you translate it only on the x axis, on the y axis and both!>!??!?!!

Tomorrow you will have to show me your knowledge of both of these in order to obtain ANOTHER portfolio eligible assignment. Congratulations to ELLA who has the most in our class!! WOOHOOO.

Also a VERY BIG SHOUT OUT to Hunter who was featured on a blog by the owner of Bucketfeet (a very cool shoe company) for his designs on shoes. Click below to read more!


If you want more assistance with reflections and translations click here!


6ers! Today we spent more time discussing the relationship of the sun, earth and moon. Why do we phases of the moon and not the entire 'full moon' all of the time. you did a fantastic job with this. I'm not going to post any links because EACH day you find something else out!

Until tomorrow.!!!


7th grade: You must finish the worksheet on describing what happens to shapes when you translate them

6th grade: You have a decimal sheet to complete.



Thursday, April 14, 2011


OOPs! It seems like this link may work for the portfolio entry slip! Try this one!!

For my adivsory and anyone else that needs this!

Hi gang,

Tomorrow ALL of your reflections are due for your portfolio!

Here is a link to the portfolio entry slip - YOU MUST HAVE 6 DONE!

Visual Arts/Performing arts (6ers are still waiting on theirs)
1 choice piece - FFl, Spanish, Choice piece.

YOU GUYS ARE DOING AMAZINGLY WELL! I am so proud of all of you! GET IT DONE! So we can celebrate!

Ms. T

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday fun field trip!

Hello darlings! We had a great time on the field trip today! A few reminders and helpful hints:

6ers! if you need more assistance dividing decimals here is a WONDERFUL LINK if you cannot find your family!

Also remember that you have IXL standards due for the week!

If you finish those then do:

7ers! Remember your projects are due on Friday! I hope you are working on them! Until tomorrow my darlings!!

Ms. T

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday after spring break! Are you refreshed?!?!?

Hi my darlings! What a great day! In 6th grade we talked about the magic pyramid. remember if you have the part and the whole but need to find the percentage you MULTIPLY! If you have the whole of something like the RDI for Vitamin D and you want to figure out how much is in a serving of Special K and you know it is 15% of your RDI then you MULTIPLY! More on this tomorrow!!

7ers -- as we continue the body systems project I want to say that you are doing a GREAT job. If you need any other documents then you should check the post from the week before spring break for the post! EVERYTHING FOR THE BODY SYSTEMS PROJECT IS DUE FRIDAY APRIL 15th! NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS! GET IT DONE!

Ok gang, get ready for the field trip tomorrow! Until then Adios!

Ms. t

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Ok 7ers, we're starting our body systems project. Basically you choose 1 assignment from each column (so that you have a total of 11 points) Once you've decided on an assignment you will choose a different system to complete each task. In the end you will have learned about 4 more systems in addition to the three we learned about together as a class.

HERE IS THE LINK TO ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS. This way you should not have to worry about losing ANYTHING!

Twirly Thursdays!

Hi gang! What a FANTASTIC DAY!!!!!!!

Our 7ers took a portfolio eligible geometry assessment. I think you all ROCKED on it! WOOHOO! Tomorrow we will introduce ourselves to the newest body systems project so that you have a chance to get a head start on it over spring break. If you lose a document I will post everything on here so you have access to it.

6ers! What a great day of working on your projects. TOMORROW THEY ARE DUE! NO EXCUSES!!!! You also have a quiz tomorrow on adding, subtracting decimals and converting from fractions, decimals percents and ratios. MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW TONIGHT!

OK my wonderful students! See you tomorrow! THEN SPRING BREAK! WOOOHOOO

Ms. T

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wacky Wednesday!

Hello 7ers!

Today you practiced making MORE reflections. Remember the key to making reflections for a point out in space is to make TWO arcs from two different points on the reflection line. This way you can ASSURE you are making a point that is a complete reflection of your original point. If you need help click here for some tips and explanations of reflections. Remember! Tomorrow you are going to do a portfolio eligible assignment showing me that you know how to make a reflection over a line that is given to you.

For those of you that were absent (and there were lots of you) make sure you KNOW how to do this and if you can at home practice making a reflection of a triangle (like we did in class) and WRITING the steps out for HOW TO do this along with any justifications that PROVE your point on one side is REFLECTED EXACTLY on the other side. Until tomorrow 7ers! Ciao!

6ers! Today we learned how to multiply fractions. Your homework tonight will be the worksheet we did in class AND to finish ONE side of your BINGO

If you need more assistance with multiplying decimals then CLICK HERE!

Monday, March 28, 2011

GLOOMY (but not inside) MONDAY!

Hi 6ers! You had a FANTASTIC day today! So excited about memorizing your fraction and decimal conversions! We then went on to introduce ourselves to THE BIG AND FINAL WEATHER PROJECT! Today you picked the assignments you want to do, and remember THIS IS PORTFOLIO ELIGIBLE! your homework tonight is to look over your worksheets and fill in any weather point 3 sheets that you can. You should also look over the sheets so you are prepared for work time tomorrow in class.

Here is a link to ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is Wednesday!

Alright gang!!!

Today we had a wonderful review day. 7ers we split you guys up to really make sure ALL of us knows how to copy and bisect and angle AND copy of a line segment. We also started practicing making targets with three circles and writing AMAZING justifications. Tomorrow in class we will rewrite our own justifications so that it can meet the standard and YOU can get a portfolio eligible assignment in MST!

If you need some more assistance, here is a link to the justification page

This way you can always look back here to make sure you know how to write proper steps and justifications.

If you want to practice making geometric constructions at home click here!

6ers! KEEP PRACTICING ADDING AND SUBTRACTING DECIMALS. We also watched most of our movie on the weather and saw some very interesting things about tornadoes and hurricanes.

CLICK HERE for some extra help on adding and subtracting decimals.

Alright! See you tomorrow!

Rememeber 7ers your IXL homework is P4 and P5, 6ers you should be working on finishing J2, J3, and J4. Also, 6ers if you didn't finish your decimal worksheet that is due TOMORROW!


Cool student projects!

Check out this AWESOME video on the parts of the cell made my Domononique

Monday, March 21, 2011


Clarification for everyone. Some of the IXl standards I did not count, if 7ers are struggling with P17 and P28 please do not worry about those. The only standards that were due on Friday were the standards I personally wrote on the sticky note -- that indicated the standards you were responsible for completing.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wacky Wednesday!

Hi 6ers and 7ers!

Today was a wonderful Wednesday for the 7ers as we had Dr. Julie Harris come and visit us and speak with us about her work at the Center for Disease Control. She detailed the response to an outbreak and showed us some pictures of her recent travels to Africa for a very serious Cholera outbreak.

Tonight you don't have a COW (don't have a COW!) but you should continue to work on IXL standards P12, P15 P16 P24 P21


Today you showed your knowledge of conversions of fractions, decimals, percents and ratios. Some of us had quite a few questions -- tomorrow we will review the standards and the expectations for this. Tonight you have no COW, but you have to continue working on IXL T10, B4.

See you tomorrow you wonderful students!

Check this link out to see the tragic devastation as a result of the tsunami in Japan.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hi Gang,

Today the 7ers dealt more with geometric constructions to bisect an angle, copy an angle, make a perpendicular point, and so much more! You guys are doing a GREAT job taking the lead with making these constructions. I think I may have you make a 'HOW TO' poster to teach the rest of the world!!!

If you need more help with constructions click here!

Also, if you want to learn more about congruent triangles click here!

You have a COW for homework tonight and must do IXL P12. See you tomorrow!

6ers you continued to have an AMAZING day as you worked with Ms. Dickie to make observations of condensation and the role water vapor plays in all of this. We also played basketball round number two with your denominator being different. You had to take your ratio through the cycle to convert it to percent, decimal and fraction. I'm sure many of you are realizing it is easier to convert a percent to a decimal than fraction then ratio, then going the other way around!

Tomorrow we will continue to have practice with this, you will use this knowledge to look at the world's water supply! It's going to be fantastic!

See you tomorrow!

Ms. T

Friday, March 11, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday fun day and sugar coated wonderful!

Hello 6ers and 7ers!

Wow it's a new run of units for all!

6ers, you did a FANTASTIC JOB learning and DOING the conversion of fractions, decimals, percents and ratios.  Never lose your MATH cycle sheet! If you click below on the picture you can get some help on this stuff!


Today we introduced ourselves to using a compass if you click below here are some helpful hints on how to use a compass!


Tomorrow get ready for the ASTHMA presentation!

See you tomorrow!

Ms. T

Monday, March 7, 2011

7er homework!

Hi 7ers! We ran out of the classroom in a hurry witha  lot of leftover COWs.

So here is a link - If you didn't do it, here's your chance!!!!! CLICK HERE

7ers today you had a great day! We learned about the integumentary system, its functions and the importance of the parts of the system!  Tomorrow we will continue reviewing what YOU learned, talk about exfoliating and then dive into the wonderful world of GEOMETRY!

6ers! With Ms. Dickie you introduced yourself to the WATER cycle! What a great thing!  Water is the number one necessity for ALL LIFE! well, most of life :)

sooo. tomorrow we will continue with the water cycle, start talking about fractions, decimals, and percents!


Thursday, March 3, 2011


Post your answer to this question with your reason why!

A scientist classifies a type of bactiera in the Eubacteria kingdom rather than the Archaebacteria kingdom.  What data Most LIKELY led to this conclusion?

A. Unicellular
B. It is a prokaryote
C. It produces its own food
D. It has peptidoglycan in its cell wall

AND you have to make sure you do P1, P2, P3, P17 and P28.

6ers YOU must have done, T7, J1, B1, B2, B3, B5.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

6er COW!

Tonight's 7er Homework

Alright 7 errs  our class is going paperless! Answer this question to receive credit for your homework.  Answers MUST be posted before i check tomorrow morning!

Human liver and muscle cells require a great deal of energy.  Which cell organelles would you expect to appear in large numbers as a result?

A. Nucleus
B. ribosomes
C. vacuoles
D. mitochondria

With your ANSWER, you MUST provide an explanation as to WHY yours is the CORRECT answer.  Don't forget to type in your name so I know who it is!!!!


6ers IXL standards!

Hi 6ers! You have some IXL standards to keep track of for this week.  If standards are not complete by Friday an email will be sent home informing mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunty or anyone else that cares so much about your education!

B1, B2, B3, B4, T7, and J1.

Make sure these are complete!

Ok have a WONDERFUL day!

Ms. t

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As I walked into my room after being out for two days on the slopes I found THIS on my desk! It is Hunter Peatman's mini cell project! I can drink out of it AND teach students about the parts of the cell! Way to go Hunter! I love it!


Monday, February 28, 2011


Hi gang!

It's been so long since I saw you!  I missed you over Thursday and Friday and today we got right into our swing of things!

6ers - we discussed comparing fractions - how do you know if a fraction is bigger than another fraction? YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE DENOMINATORS THE SAME!

Here is the link to tonight's cow

7ers - today we took the time to make 'how to' charts for last week's homework problems.  Remember, if you did not hand in ALL of your tasks YOU MUST DO THAT ASAP.  If you need another task sheet you must let me know so as to ensure all of your assignments are complete.  Tomorrow we will begin looking at our next unit on cells, tissues, and organ systems.

Stay tuned for a link to tomorrow's COW.

See you tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

All ixl standards must be at 90!

Hi gang!

Im not going to be here tomorrow or Friday and I wanted to post some reminders for you!  7C All of your tasks are due tomorrow or at the beginning of the period on Friday -- it all depends on how well you work!  I posted rubrics for the algebra book project and the cell project last week on the blog, so if you want to work on it tonight and did not bring the sheets home, you can access it here. Work hard and don't forget that part of your tasks are to complete IXL!  6C must have their fraction tasks completed by the end of the class period on Thursday and hand that in to Mr. Curly.

Work hard! I'll miss you!


COW FOR THURSDAY - 7th grade

CHeck Ms. Hobby's blog for the 6th grade COw for tonight!

Ms. T

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mid Winter Break - But not for your mind!

7ers!  As we have so many wonderful projects ahead of us I am uploading BOTH the cell project and the algebra book project so that you can work on it over the weekend.  We will not be spending any more time on these projects in class after Wednesday so I HIGHLY URGE you to get a head start on one or both of these.  Also remember your IXL standards Y4 and V1 were due on Thursday.
Congratulations to ELLA! For beating EVERY LEVEL of MFIAF in under one minute!!

Congratulations ELLA! You NEVER have to see Math FACTS again!  That is an 8th grade standard!

Here are the links to the VERY VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS!



6ers...all I have to say is IXL!!!! If you didn't finish YOU MUST FINISH THIS WEEKEND. It will affect your grade if these are not done! See earlier blog posts for the standards that you must finish.

HAPPY FRACTIONS AND ALGEBRA!  And for those of you that didn't beat MFIAF,......BEAT IT! BEAT IT! BEAT IT! and then you never have to see it again!!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wednesday Whirlies!

Hello my darlings!

Today was a crazy work day!  We had a wonderful day in both classes.  6ers got off easy because all your IXl standards are due tomorrow, but you don't have a COW that is due tomorrow.  7ers you have a COW, due tomorrow CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK!

7ers you have IXl standards y4 and v1 due tomorrow.

7ers you have a wonderful list of items to finish by next week.  They are as follows:
1. The algebra standards from the passport
2. The Algebra task
3. The Algebra book project
4. The Elodea lab with conclusion questions
5. The cheek cell lab with conclusion questions
6. Coloring worksheet of the animal and plant cell
7. The parts of the cell project


6ers, we'll continue working with fractions and give you a special treat for all of your hard work!

I want to give a SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SHOUT MY Advisees (and ELLA) ELIJAH AND ASA and FENN!!!!! You both have portfolio eligible pieces in ALL THREE AREAS OF HUMANITIES! GO YOU YOU ARE AMAZING! and so are all of my babies!

Ms. T

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday toasty!

Hi 6ers and 7ers! What a great Tuesday!

Today in 7th grade we went over our COWs and what it means to meet the standard for reasoning and communication. We then spent the second half of the class period in the computer lab.  You guys have really got it going on with MFIAF! 

Here is the link to tonight's COW

our 6ers worked very hard on their fraction work, spent some time in the computer lab and had a talk about finishing ALL of their assigned homework.
6ers MUST finish their IXL standards, T7, T8, U7, U1, U3, U6 and this week's W3, X6 and X7.
This is part of your final grade, failure to do so by Thursday will cause a drop in your knowledge grade!

I don't have a copy of your 6th grade COW for tonight, so please look on Ms. Hobby's website. This can be accessed from

See you tomorrow!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello my wonderful students! Yes, today is Valentine's day and we had so many festive outfits, candies and treats on this wonderful day! Remember gang, this is a short week so we have to make sure we use every minute to the best of our ability.  Stay focused!  Today our 6ers had an excellent day as we compared and contrasted, using a Venn Diagram, the weathering labs -- with the pennies and slate.  You guys did an EXCELLENT job of determining the similarities and differences.  We spent the last hour continuing our Checkups for fractions and many of you felt the frustration of brain power!  The tasks are going to be challenging but we know that ALL OF YOU CAN DO IT!  It will take some hard work, thinking and dedication. But you can all do it.  Tomorrow we will continue our fraction work and start to pass out the "Pet Rock project!'

7ers had a day of 'What do you Know' Review.  We went over the parts of the cell Graphic Organizer, project to come on that -- and then spent the rest of the class period going over our Algebra assessment. The rest of this week will be spent finishing the reasoning tasks and working on our Algebraland books.  We are also going to start working on the parts of the cell project.

Here is the COW for tonight 7ers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 6 C Cow!

Hi gang!

Today we had a magical Tuesday!  the 7th graders filled in Venn Diagrams comparing Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes and a foldable for the four parts of the cell theory,  while the 6th graders took their STAR test, practiced simplifying fractions, learned how to divide fractions and practiced their fraction work.  I will not be in school tomorrow so make sure you get everything done your checklist so we are ready for Thursday!!!

Click here for Tuesday's COW for 6C.

If you need the 7C COW I posted the entire week under Monday night's blog!


Sorry this took me so long to post! But I wanted to share with the world the WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL some of our 7C students made to illustrate the diversity of our kingdoms!

Animal Kingdom done by Ella Kasten, Asa KD, Hunter Peatman, Griffin Ramsey and Dylan McAdams

Eubacteria kingdom by Fenn Conner and Zoe Spencer!

Fungi Kingdom by Ylaysia Taylor, Domonique Henson and Atlantys Tunica-El!

Animal Kingdom! Click Above!

Waiting on the other two groups...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Monday Monday!

Hi gang!!!! today was a great day, both 6C and 7C were off to great starts for the week. This week 6th grade will be working on dividing fractions, and today you wrote the conclusions for both the weathering and slate lab. Tomorrow we'll continue working on Fraction Fun and get ready to play the rock cycle game!

7th grade worked on fixing the mistakes of Ima Confused, so that we know we won't make those same mistakes again!

Below is the link for the entire week's COW so get ahead if you want!

Remember always do the nightly COWs and this week's IXl for the 6th graders will be T7 T8 and U7!! Don't forget!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday and Monday

Hi Gang,

6ers, continued work on fractions and you are doing a great job! Here is the link to last night's cow. This week we will continue adding and subtracting fractions and move on the multiplying fractions!


Stay tuned for tonight's COW.

Yesterday we spent a great deal of time in Algebraland and you are coming along well! Today we will complete a microscope lab and then continue our work through Algebraland to lead us to the culminating project next week.  If you move fast you can start this week!

7ers here are the Cows for the week, If you notice only the front is available, You must click below to access the 2nd page of each nights COW.


Monday Knowledge

Tuesday Knowledge

Wednesday Knowledge

Thursday Knowledge

Ok kids, see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Almost Friday!

Hi gang,

a quick rundown of the day's events.

7ers: watched Magic School bus, continued mad minutes, and worked on our passports.  Our class is all over the place and we are making GREAT progress in our passports

Here are the links to this week's COWs, sorry! but the box and whisker plot was unable to be scanned in, so you have to use it from Monday's COW.




Tomorrow we will continue our work on one step equations and have so much fun!

6ers! We are continuing the wonderful world of fractions.  The COW is due tomorrow! Due to some technical difficulties I cannot upload our COW so I hope you took it with you!


If you need some help with fractions, adding and subtracting or just a refresher click the videos!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Marvelous Monday!

Hi gang!

Today was a WONDERFUL day in that we had such a productive day for both 6ers and 7ers.  I passed out a new COW for both classes, as the 7ers continued working on simplifying expressions.  I think we are VERY ready for our assessment.

The 6ers began talking about the different types of rocks as we participated in a station activity to introduce you to rocks, minerals and the various types on this wonderful planet earth.  We ended the class period reviewing how to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators.

Here is a link to the 7th grade COW

Here is a link to the 6th grade COW

See you tomorrow!

Ms. T!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

THURSDAY FUNDAY! A Passport to knowledge!

Today we started our passports in 7th grade and embarked upon the wonderful world of fractions in 6th grade!

Today the 7ers began solving equations when given a variable and continued working with simplifying expressions.  The 6ers were AMAZING at changing between improper fractions and mixed numbers.

Here is the link to tonight's COW for 6th grade


Alright kiddos, tomorrow each of you will be having a quiz
7th grade on simplifying expressions and equivalent and simplifying fractions for 6th grade!

See you tomorrow! It's Friday!

Ms. T

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Questions to comments:

For number 2, there is a 2 outside of the what do we do with the 2? We have to distribute it out over the entire parentheses. remember if the terms are unlike then you can't add them! Myspace and facebook are not compatible!!!!

Hope that helps!

Ms. T

Wednesday and back in action!

hi gang!

today we had a really great day! our 7ers worked on simplifying algebraic expressions and our 6ers reviewed equivalent fractions and simplifying them!

Here are links to the COW for 6th and 7th grade

7th Grade COW

6th Grade COW

And for the 6ers, if you need some help with equivalent fractions and understanding how to simplify, use the notes we took in our family OR click on this link!




Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hello my darlings!

After a VERY lengthy second winter break we return!  Here is the rundown from today and the homework!

1. Today we finished our quiz on GCF and LCM
2. I gave you a BRAND new COW.  For those of you that need a refresher here is the problem for tonight,  remember you have to do the Givens, Constraints, Goal and explain why and how you eliminated the other answer choices.

Here is the COW for 6th grade

Tomorrow 6ers we'll be starting our review of fractions and equivalent fractions! WOOHOO!

Today we discussed the associative and commutative properties to help us simplify algebraic expressions.  Tonight you have to finish the COW for homework and bring it in ready to go tomorrow.  The only way you will get the new COW is if you finish tonight's homework!

7ers here is a great link to help further explain the properties that we use to simplify algebraic expressions.  Remember, turn the entire problem into addition, put like terms together and COMBINE!!!!


See you tomorrow!! Don't forget to do your homework!!!

And practice Math Facts at home! I know Coty and Domonique are so close to mastering!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Feliz Ano my darlings!!! It was great seeing all of your faces!

What did we do today?

Well, in 7th grade we are making sure that we are mastering the key standards in math which are:
- Translating algebraic expressions into verbal and vice versa
- Adding and subtracting  integers
- Distributive property
- Algebraic Terminology

Tomorrow we will continue working on mastering these standards, and for those of you that have mastered will work on creating a video to post on THIS VERY BLOG!!!!!! To educate the world about Kingdoms!

In 6th grade, we had a HUGE organization day, we named our pineapples and put worksheets 1-4 in them about GCF and LCM.  We organized our assessments and began working on the review of Greatest Common Factor.

Click for a tutorial of BOTH GCF and LCM

Tomorrow let's get moving on these  and both 6ers and 7ers be prepared for an assessment on the above standards on FRIDAY!