Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday Mania! and Tuesday!

Hi Kids! We are getting close to the Atlanta Challenge! Remember if you didn't hand in your permission slip please do so!

Yesterday agenda is as follows:

1. Graphing activity with pullouts, you really got to see how the different graphs we learned can tell you different things!
2. Started filling in the graphic organizer!
3. Handed out a new COW! This week all of knowledge is in IXL and the systematic list problem is due on Friday!

1. We handed back our COWs, and same thing for 7ers, all of knowledge is in IXL.
2. Worked on posters.
3. Reviewed a worksheet with Indirect and Direct proportion and will do an assessment on Tuesday!

Justin, Julie, Jamie, Matt, Ryan and Roland are the six players in a round-robin tournament. Each player will play a set against each of the other players. List all the sets that need to be played.

Have a great day kids!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Trivedi! :) I'm on IXL, and I'm noticing a few levels that we haven;t talked about in class, and I don't know how to answer the questions.
    O.15 is one, on scatter plots. It could be just me, but I'm a little confused.
    O.11 is another, but I already told you about that one in class and you said to skip it.
