Student Quote of the Week

Student quote of the week

' Now my life is complete'...After Shann received the highly anticipated Percy Jackson book!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday!


1. We chatted about the COW and watched a video on systematic lists! Look at Ms. Cannon's (8th grade) blog for a link!
2. I gave out personal goals for IXL - if you lose yours please let me know.
3. Star benchmark test
4. We finished ALL of our science worksheets up until now.  At this point you should have the following completed for your science standards:
     a. the front and back for plant and animal adaptations
     b. the back of the consumer worksheet
     c. the colored map of where both of your biomes are located
     d. the biome look through

Here are some useful websites for biomes

  1. 6ers:
    We had a GREAT day with the COW AND IN CLASS!!!!
    1. Came in and did the spark - Shann and Brittany showed us how they would explain the difference between a bar graph and a histogram to their little cousin/sibling
    2. REALLY EXPLAINING THE COW! I have a feeling all of you 6ers will get a Met on Friday!
    3. Histogram notes in family!
    4. THE BEST HISTOGRAM HOW TO POSTER EVER! We broke up into groups of 3 to create a histogram how to poster that could potentially be the way Ms. Trivedi gives notes to her next set of 6er class!
    Here are the qualifications:

     to histogram 
    - can/can't tell you
    - frequency table
    - how to example problem
    - minimum number - 21
    - how to read it
    - questions
    REMINDERS: COMPLETE COW, SCIENCE WORKSHEETS, and Your IXL standard goals must all be at a smart score of 80 before next Friday! Your personal goals do not have to be!
    Alright team see you tomorrow!


  1. can we use the same numbers for the cow in each shed for example 10 feet by 10 feet

  2. It wont let me log onto ixl. What is the username and password again

  3. I got it. I was forgetting the 338

  4. Yes Dylan you can, a square is a type of rectangle!
